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At the Mafi Wute village in Ghana, average household incomes are less than a dollar a day and about 75% of the adults are unemployed. This is one of the communities in Ghana, where many families struggle financially, with supporting their kids to receive a K through-12 education. With a grant from our partner Adventure Christian School (ACS), through our Child Sponsorship Program, CLT was able to provide -one time- support for all students, in the 1st grade through 5th grade, a total of 145 students. The grant provided school uniforms, sandals, classroom supplies, and backpacks. The provision of these items means that some kids that would have dropped out of school, because they could not afford the school uniforms required by public schools, are now back in school with their friends and are able to continue their education. We are grateful, that we’ve helped launch these kids off, to be successful this semester. Our thanks again to ACS for their partnership.