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There is no full-service Cardiovascular Heart Disease (CHD) facility in the Northern half of Ghana. Patients in this part of the country, we have an average family income of $2 per day, will have to travel 10 to 15 hours, to access service.
Read MoreThe Suma Ahenkro Preparatory School is located in Suma Ahenkro in Ghana. The village has a population of about 7,000. The average incomes are $2 per day per family. Average family sizes are 5 to 8 children per family. The extreme poverty in the town
Read MoreThe Covid 19 pandemic has brought untold hardship to several communities in various parts of Ghana. Generally, the central region of Ghana is considered, one of the most poverty-stricken regions in Ghana, and OBRAKYERE, a village town is one such community in the
Read MoreThe shortage of well-equipped hospitals in Ghana is creating tragic fatalities, which are completely preventable. Rural and low-income
Read MoreAs funding becomes available, CLT provides food and other basic supplies such as clothing, underwear, blankets, etc., to support
Read MoreMafi Wute, is a village in the Central Tongu District of the Volta Region of Ghana. The Mafi Wute village is a very poor community with an
Read MoreThe FCH treats approximately 30,000 children every year and serves a combined catchment area with a population of over 300,000.
Read MoreMafi Wute, is a village in the Central Tongu District of the Volta Region of Ghana. The Mafi Wute village is a very poor community
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